Stop - Write - Prioritize

Do you feel like your days spin out of control, do you feel like a chicken with its head cut off trying to accomplish your to do list, is it hard to pick a task and stick to it because your brain is going 100 miles a minute. Here are some tools for your tool belt that I recently shared with a wonderful group of ladies at the Inspiring Women’s conference in Lloydminster.

  1. Making a list, the list is then in front of you to visualize and identify the needs of your day, week and month. Our list may grow but our time does not, now we can identify the must do, should do and nice to do priorities. 

  2. Making a list will clear your mind – bring a sense of relief, calm and then the tasks won’t buzz around in your head like a bunch of bees.

  3. Putting Goals, intentions and priorities in writing – now you are accountable and you can decide what needs more work. Can I reach this goal or do I need more research, no it looks like it is ready? Check my priorities, my vision. Maybe my goal is a bit vague, when you have it just in your head you might not be able to tell that, once it is written down you can physically access it. 

  4. Writing things down keeps them visible and helps you stay accountable, motivated and have a clear view of your purpose.

  5. Writing it all down helps keep anxiety at bay – if you keep everything in your head you can become so overwhelmed.

  6. You can chart your daily progress - if it doesn’t get done today remember there's always tomorrow. 

  7. Writing it down allows for a higher level of thinking, allowing you to be more focused. If you spend all your brain power on remembering you won’t have anything left for action. To problem solve and ask yourself the big questions. Which of these things will have the biggest impact on my life, which of these activities can I go without or delegate. 

  8. Gratitude !!!  I cannot say enough about Gratitude. We need to celebrate the big and the small. “Do something today that your future self will thank you for”. 

 (Some of these tips are from and tweaked with my own thoughts)

Start today, find a note pad and pen and dump all of the “to do’s” spinning in your head onto a piece of paper, then cull that list! Sort it with your must do, should do and nice to do priorities. Lastly, give yourself some grace, add self care to your list and find what you are grateful for.

Always remember no matter how long the list or how challenging the priorities - you are enough. 

- Alison


Recipe - Hamburger Soup


How did you feed your soul this month?